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  splorp! Evil Bastard

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About these comics

The Order of the StickDungeons & Dragons-style adventure with stick figures who know about game rules, speaking as if they are playing characters as well as BEING the characters.

SinfestMortals include a young boy and a teen girl with massive egos & libidos, a lascivious and drug/alcohol-abusing pig and fanboys for both God and the Devil. Immortals include God (well, his hands, anyway), a pair of mischevious Angels, the Devil (well-dressed chap) & a Chinese dragon. definitely NOT for children.

Questionable ContentOne of my favorites. A very funny comic with bad words, sexual innuendo (and not so innuendo-ish) & the occasional poop joke. Watch Pintsize, the AnthroPC for some great one-liners. "I would be delicious!" Not kid friendly.

PvPOnlineThe life and times of a gaming magazine’s crew, which include a young boy, a pony-tailed Mac fanboy in his 30s, a serious gaming woman, an overweight boss and a pair of console-gaming couch potatoes. Oh yeah, and a troll.

Kevin and KellKevin is a six foot rabbit (no, it’s not Harvey Harvey, starring Jimmy Stewart in new window). Kell is a wolf whose job is to kill herbivores. Of course, they fell in love. Their family includes a wolf son from Kell’s first marriage, an adopted hedgehog and a mostly-carnivorous baby half-rabbit/half-wolf. Anthropromorphism at its best.

Able and BakerAble the monkey and Baker the sheep are lab animals. Able is a big fan of the pun. Baker is the responsible one, but hallucinates an Evil Baker. Check out the daily fact.

Irregular Webcomic!David Morgan-Mar shoots pictures of LEGOs spanning multiple themes, including Star Wars, the crocodile hunter (not the real one, but a remarkable fascimile), what amounts to a retarded James Bond and much, much more.

Schlock MercenaryThe online comic space opera. That’s the tagline, but you gotta read it. Aliens and ridiculous technological stuff. Just fun! Howard Tayler throws in science "facts" based on the comics, occasionally that are often funnier than the comic. Don’t stop at the end of the panels.

Wish³ Webcomic by an old friend, who probably forgot about me. She's a very talented artist and it's worth looking for her work online. She used to go by SongbladeX on AOL many moons ago, and she created a couple pictures for me a loooooong time ago.

Homestar Runner Homestar Runner is a Flash cartoon website. My sister, Lizard, introduced me to this site a few years ago. She was telling me about "TrogdorTrogdor in new window. Trogdor was a man. I mean, he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. Anyway, one of the characters in the Homestar Runner comics, Strong Bad, drew a picture of TROGDOR the BURNiNATOR. You may also recognize the name if you have Guitar Hero II. Trogdor is one of the songs you can purchase.

VG Cats VG Cats, or Videogame Cats, is a webcomic about videogames and... um... cats. Cats who play videogames. It also contains some frequently disturbing parodies. Updated approximately once a week. Or so.

Legostar GalacticaLegostar Galactica is another Lego-based comic, this time set in a combination of futuristic (ok, Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars are both based in the past) fictions. In the author's own words, "Always wanted to do a webcomic, but my drawing skills are not at a level I'm satisfied with. I obviously have a lot of jokes to tell, and I wanted an outlet."

Business CasualBusiness Casual is a humorous take on business. You've got the anti-social developer, the idiot developer, the sleepy developer, the sarcastic technical support guy and the semi-incompetent boss. Yeah, sounds like a lot of other comics about business, but it can be funny at times.

Shortpacked!Shortpacked! is a webcomic about the dysfunctional people who work at a toy store and tell jokes about Batman. I originally found it via a link from Questionable Content (a comparison between the appearance of two characters). I stuck around because it's goofy.

Girl GeniusGirl Genius: a Gaslamp Fantasy with Adventure, Romance and Mad Science! It's also award-winning (2 Hugos!).

Atomic LaundromatAtomic Laundromat: A non-super powered man owns a laundromat in a world populated with villians and heroes. He specializes in cleaning superhero and villian costumes. His mother is an alien (essentially a retired villian) and his father is the greatest superhero of his generation. The one-off villians and heroes are often my favorite part of the strip. The Evil Chef is kind of lame ::zap!:: er.. The Evil Chef is the best comic book character of ALL TIME. No one comes close to his perfection!

Archived Comics

These are comics that are either no longer updated on anything close to a regular basis or which have officially ended. I liked them, so I’m a-keeping the links until they go away permanently.

The Adventures of Evil OverMomThe Adventures of Evil OverMom isn't really a comic, but I couldn't resist. I think she's based on my ma. Site appears to be down. Not sure if permanent or temporary.

User FriendlyUser Friendly is the geek webcomic to end all geek webcomics. Get your daily dose of all the office geeks and, of course, Dustpuppy & Cthulu. UPDATE: This has been running re-runs for a very long time.

No 4th Wall to BreakA triangle, an evil bat, a match and an occasional visit by the author. Not much more than that. Officially over, but I liked it enough to keep a link pointed to it. It's BACK! Kind of. The artist has promised randomly posted updates. Yay! OK, it's dead, again. For real, this time, I think. He lost all the comics, too. Archived, but no longer linked.

Get Your War OnGet Your War On is a satirical take on politics, specifically about the Bush administration’s major screw ups in Afganistan and Iraq (and, if we’re not too careful, probably Iran, too). Again, definitely, NOT for kids. It’s a war comic so of course they drop the F-bomb. Repeatedly. Over and over. A lot. Aaaaand it's done. No new updates, anymore.

Elf Only InnThe on again, off again web comic. Elf Only Inn used to be an IRC channel for Elves; however, others show up to annoy the host (including a Duke Nukem-character, a small anime style boy and a poor demon who accidently named himself Lord of Dorkness). Foul language is asterisked. Not updated for over a year, then he started updating again with a semi-promise to keep updating. Then he stopped, again. ::sigh:: Too bad, it’s a good strip. No update since May 2008, so archiving it.

Dungeon Crawl IncAnother one of those on again, off again web comics. The description on their own web page says it best: Once in a great while there comes a story that captures the imagination of all who read it. This is not that story. But we do have lots of violence and scantily clad women! Last updated was August 2009, so I'm archiving it, now. The domain name lapsed, so I'm removing the link.

DM of the RingsDM of the Rings is what would happen if The Lord of the Rings was role played by a typical group of RPGers. It's completed, but still there, so leaving this as archived.

Yirmuhmah!Read the Burger King arc. If you don’t enjoy that, this one is not for you. Oh, and baaaad words! OK, they haven't updated in a veeeeeery long time, so archiving it, now. The site is down, removing the link.

A Modest DestinyA Modest Destiny, The Starship Destiny & A Modest Destiny: The War of Fate. Excellent sprite comic. Sadly, no longer updated.

Casey and AndyCasey and Andy... well... Andy is dating Satan. Andy and Casey have died on multiple occasions, usually due to their own inventions. The author had promised to finish a final arc but got sidetracked by another comic project. I keep this here so I can finish up the arc once he gets back to it. He's back! The artist has promised infrequent updates until the story arc is finished. Updated 9-21-09 : It's finished (long time ago).

Ozy and MillieA small fox named after Ozymandias and adopted by a dragon, his best friend, and a host of other animals in this witty webcomic. No longer updated.

I Drew ThisA liberal-leaning political cartoon by the author of Ozy & Millie. No longer updated.

Evil Bastard Productions