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Young Mrs. splorp! prior to becoming... well... Mrs. splorp!

These are pictures of young Mrs. splorp!, from quite young to high school

Newborn Mrs. splorp! a month after her birthday
Newborn Mrs. splorp! One month after her birthdate.

Mrs. splorp! with her sister, Jennifer, and Grandpa Chuck
Mrs. splorp! with her sister, Jennifer, and Grandpa Chuck.

Christmas time in 1980, with her sister
Christmas time in 1980, with her sister.

Mrs. splorp! at age 3, in 1983
Mrs. splorp! at age 3, in 1983.

Mrs. splorp! with her mother
Mrs. splorp! with her mother.

Mrs. splorp! in shields in winter 1997
Mrs. splorp! was in shields in Camarillo high school. This picture was taken in winter 1997, a few months before we met.

Evil Bastard Productions