splorp! Evil Bastard

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Link to me with this logo!

Link to me with this logo Dammit!

Link to my wife with this logo!

Link to my wife with this logo Dammit, again!

That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?

Get Firefox. Now. This is not a suggestion.   


splorp! the Evil Bastard’s Web Site O’ Doom -
Maxwell Edward Pictures Page 2

I finally got to see my new nephew. He's five months old, now.

splorp! and Max, backwards caps
splorp! and Max, both with backwards caps.

Mrs. splorp! and Max
Mrs. splorp! and Max

splorp! and Max in the computer room
splorp! and Max in the computer room. Lizard brought him over the day I got there. He was kind of tired, but is a very happy baby.

Giant splorp!, tiny Max
I am freakin' huge. It almost looks like I could fit him inside my head.

Uncle splorp! and Max
Max, trying to figure out what to make of me.

Max decided he likes me
Yes, he decided he likes me. He's a cute kid.

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Evil Bastard Productions